Our Purpose:
A New Twist on Youth Advocacy, Social Conscientiousness and Ameliorating Gun Violence ~ Using multi-dimensional, evidence-based strategies to empower our communities through generational cross-cultural awareness

Never Forget
Gregory Najee Lewis Grimes
December 20, 1990 ~ July 4, 2022
Victim of Gun Violence
Sacramento, CA
How We Move
Our Anchor
Grimes returned to Sacramento and joined the Coaching staff at his beloved alma mater, Inderkum High. He adopted 212 as his coaching philosophy for Indy’s D-Line. “You can’t get any hotter,” Grimes remarked, reflecting on the importance of pushing towards higher thresholds on the field and in life.
The Foundation’s name also underscores the significance of the anchor, as a symbol emulating support. One of Grimes’ first tattoos at Boise, was a anchor with the words, “Mom” and ”Dad.” Grimes also accumulated an assorted of anchors, amassing a respectable collection over the years. In honor of Coach Grimes, Indy’s Head Coach, Reginald Harris, replaced Grimes’ popular Turnover Chain with a Turnover Anchor in the 2022 season. The Anchor, a testament to holding one another down in the name of brotherhood, is hoisted in the air during the game by impact players who reek havoc on the field, causing a turnover in the team’s favor. The 2022 football season was dedicated to Coach Greg Najee Grimes.
The 212° Philosophy
The 212 philosophy is named in recognition of one of Coach Chris Petersen’s themes during football season at Boise State University in Boise, ID. 212 Degrees Fahrenheit is the scientific boiling point. At Boise, 212 was the maximum temperature scale to “turn up,” separating a player’s performance and intensity from hot to-superheated-to boiling. Coach Petersen inspired his team to apply the 212 principle to all aspects of life ~ socially, academically, financially, philosophically and spiritually.
Grimes was recruited and became Inderkum High’s first Student-Athlete to receive a D1 Scholarship. As a Defensive Player at Boise, Grimes was a part of the storied Cinderella Team with a record of 59 (W) - 4 (L) 2008-2012, including a perfect 14-0 season in 2009. Boise State remains in the nation’s Top 20 winning percentage in Division 1 College Football. Grimes was an Academic All-American and graduated in 2012 with Honors.

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Education + Engagement = Empowerment
Hi I'm Ace and I'm 5 now
My wish is to see
Charles Leno play
an NFL game and...

Youth Sports Camps
In Progress - Notify Me
Najee's Law
3 Proposed Legislative Initiatives to Enhance Our Safety Work & Play Experience at Sacramento's Entertainment Establishments
Smart Plays Save Lives
Ways to Rout Gun Violence

We're building on a legacy
Daddy taught me that every life matters...
His, mine, and yours!
We lost our best friend to gun violence. Now we're saving lives
Be a game changer! Join our dynamic cause & let's reclaim our communities